Ethiopian Food: 20 Traditional Dishes in Ethiopia

Will Fly For Food
Published : Jun, 2023
Entire Country
Any food | Vegetarian or Vegan
Derek Tibs | Kitcha | Kik Alicha | Food Tours | Misir Wat | Kitfo | Shiro Wat | Gored Gored | Genfo | Tere Siga | Buticha | Doro Wat | Fossolia | Siga Wat | Injera
I enjoyed that Ethiopian meal so much that I wound up having it again a few days later, at a different restaurant. Unfortunately, Ethiopian restaurants have been few and far between since then which is why I’m planning a trip to Addis Ababa to enjoy Ethiopian food where it’s really from.
If you’re curious about Ethiopian food and planning a trip to Africa, then be sure to check out these 20 traditional dishes when you visit Ethiopia.
If you’re curious about Ethiopian food and planning a trip to Africa, then be sure to check out these 20 traditional dishes when you visit Ethiopia.